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APLAR 2010歡迎病例投稿 ”Rheumatology Pearls“ session
  • 公告類別:學會公告
  • 發佈日期:2010/01/22
  • 附件檔案:    
  • 點閱人次:3120
1. APLAR 2010歡迎病例投稿 ”Rheumatology Pearls“ session,獲選者 APLAR大會將免除其註冊費

2. 本會對投稿APLAR 2010 獲選發表者,亦有獎勵

3. 網址:http://www.aplar2010.com/wn.html

Dear Prof. Luo,

I am delighted to hear that you will be joining us for the Hong Kong 2010 APLAR Congress. The congress secretariat will contact you shortly regarding your registration.

Please let me know what else we can do to facilitate the participation of Taiwanese doctors and scientists in the Hong Kong 2010 APLAR Congress.

May I also ask you to encourage your young fellows and trainees to submit cases of educational value for presentation at the “Rheumatology Pearls” session. We will waive the registration fee for those candidates selected for presentation.


Dr. T H Chan, MB, FRCPI, FRCPE, FRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
Chairman, Host Organizing Committee
Hong Kong 2010 APLAR Congress

Voice: (+852) 2882-3108
Fax: (+852) 2882-6931
EE-mail: takhinc@alumni.cuhk.edu.hk
Website: www.aplar2010.com
更新日期:2010/1/22 上午 10:07:48